Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Progress Report....and "Dear Diary"

Sue and I went to to Dr. Tovar's office Tuesday afternoon for the post-op exam. I sat in the back seat of the Explorer....just in case Sue crashed the car. The front seat airbag could complicate my recovery.

I like Tovar. A man of  few words, he looked me over, nodded, had me lift my shirt so he could remove some sutures, applied his stethscope to my heart and lungs, nodded,  looked at my "scar", nodded, and then he applied a dressing over the now-sutureless areas. Since he had held my beating heart in his hands, I asked him how it looked...he replied "Your heart is normal"....I think that is a good thing, so I'll take it as a compliment.
Our main conversation covered his running and the last L.A. Marathon which took place in a cold, driving rain. He looks like a runner.

That was about it. If I think of something else I'll let you know.

"Dear Diary"

I rolled out of bed at 7:00 a.m., shuffled into the bathroom and took care of business and then shuffled down the hallway to the scale and weighed always go to the bathroom before weighing oneself.
Then I shuffled back down the hallway and found Sue at the table reading the paper and finishing her breakfast. I recorded my weight and current temperature and swallowed a few Tylenol. I reviewed the mail and poured a cup of coffee and shuffled over to the table where Sue took my breakfast order...scrambled eggs, toast and fresh fruit.  What an angel.

I watched a little news...Wills and Kate mixed in with "birthers", Arab protests, Trump, Kobe and tornados.
Then I put on my shoes and went for a walk. I have paced off the circuit around the house and it is within inches of 110 yards. I went around six times in the morning  and just finished a 10 lap walk about an hour ago...that's around 1800 yards or a bit more than a mile. I'll go the same later in the day. This is my clearest indicator of how I am doing physically.

Dear D....I have decided that TV is mind-numbing. I am sure that pupils dilate, breathing becomes shallower,
heart rates drop and so does the lower jaw as boredom sets in. The only activity that one engages in is the manipulation of the remote control. I haven't begun to drool yet, unless some kind soul has passed by and wiped it away without my knowledge. Seriously....."TV" is like some spiderweb. Once you are snared, some kind of  force envelops your very soul and begins to drain life away. Your main emotion is frustration as the
cursed TV programs dangle some desired thing just within reach, only to withdraw it and subject you to five or six minutes of commercials before delivering what you thought you wanted. Hours of this type of teasing
is damaging.

Dear D...I'll get back to you later when something exciting happens.


1 comment:

  1. Dear SRH:

    I'm relieved your heart is normal.

    I can honestly say that I, too, had the TV on for a good part of the day (this is not typical practice in my home during daylight hours). I started my day watching the morning news, then I had the thrill to listen to Obama silence The Birthers and Trump once and for all. I did check in on Facebook and engaged in a dynamic exchange with e-friends about Obama's breaking news. That was exhilarating! I even quoted John Adams, our second President, "Facts are stubborn things...." That made me feel superior and I enjoyed it. Then, I played a rousing round of "The Minister's Cat." After that, tornados have held my attention. I pray they end quickly.

    Seriously, thanks for posting about the mundanities of life. They take on a certain charm when you're documenting them. Be warned, though, that if you start chanting, "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry...," we will hold an intervention.

