Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 13, 2011

Steve and I do not know what to say about the seredipity of life at the moment!

We started out yesterday anticipating good results from the angiogram. We thought worst case, Steve would be going home with stents and the possibility of waiting months to schedule the tumor surgery. We applauded our optimism and soldiered on. Who knew that the "ticking time bomb" of his heart condtion would be discovered and we would be making plans for major heart surgery 36 hours later.

Suffice it to say, that all your prayers and support have led to the discovery of the need for  a surgery before Steve had a major and possibly fatal heart attack. The grace and hand of God are all over this situation and we are blessed. Since Steve is asymptomatic and shows no evidence of heart compromise even with exercise , the doctors made a compelling argument that we needed to schedule bypass surgery right away. Time is a precious gift made all the more precious when you are making decisions like this

Tomorrow at 7:30am, Steve will undergo life saving bypass with a good outlook for recovery. Then, in 2 to 4 weeks we can prepare for the tumor sugery. Pray that the Holy Spirit embraces us and the doctors tomorrow. We are all so very lucky to have access to the skills and talents of the medical team. I will blog again tomorrow with the results of the surgery. Meanwhile, pray!

Peace and love to all of you,


  1. Steve and Sue:

    I have so many people praying for you two, for a positive outcome of tomorrow's surgery, and a quick and pain-free recovery for Steve. These are amazing times.....


  2. Praying is what we do when we really want God to hear us! So praying I am doing. I have to say that reading this blog has been soul searching for me. Thank you so much Steve for being the kind of quiet graceful leader for your family as well as our (The Rovzar's) We have been blessed mightily by your unassuming, quiet personality. I pray that God's not ready for you because we have so much more life to live together. We wait knowing that God is in control and He knows are needs and wants and desires. You mean more than you will ever know to all of us; more than I ever realized. Thank you for being just the right guy for my sister. Behind that brave soul is a woman who respects and loves you and honestly rests knowing that you will take care of her. There is so much more life for you to live. Hang in there! The best is yet to be!
    xoxo Barb
