Thursday, April 14, 2011

April 14th Surgery Day

This has been a surreal experience with real ramifications. Believe me when I tell you that life often happens without planning or explanation. We started out Tuesday with the expectation that we would have an angiogram, leave with one or two stents and have to work around blood thinners to get to the ultimate goal of cancer surgery in a few months. Who knew! Getting cancer actually saved Steve's life!
Without the stress echo cardiogram, we would never have known the gravity of Steve's arterial disease and his very precarious hold on life. Listen out there!  Coronary arterial disease is serious and will prove fatal if your arteries get blocked.

As I write, 6pm, Steve had the breathing tube removed, was talking and dozing in ICU. He is improving rapidly and this is a testament to the fact that he went into this as a healthy guy with no previous heart attacks. The outcome would have been far different if he was ill or in an attack. We tried to get into the unit for a visit but it is an understatment that this is a controlled environment.

I must also write that the level of love, prayers and support that this family has received in the last 2 days has been great consolation. We have had Steve prayed for all over the world, here at home and by perfect strangers. The power of prayer is all over this project and we are blessed to accept each prayer with humility and love.

Now the real work of healing begins for all of us. Continue to keep us in prayer. This is not over yet!!!
Peace and love,
Sue, Scott, and Kevin


  1. Sue,

    Please give Steve a big hug from us as soon as you can get into that "Controlled environment".
    Believe me, Dan and I have been "ruminating and cogitating," as Karen Lantz used to say (making us all laugh)and this has sure made us rethink our own lives. The memories of happy times flood back so quickly and we wonder how the unintentional non-communication has been for so long. Too busy . . . but know that we are here for you ... and we feel blessed to be able to share in Steve's journal . . .it helps us and I am sure it helps you too! God bless the Hamrock family . . .Love, Linda and Dan

  2. Hamrock family one and all! I posted a comment yesterday but I am not sure it was received?
    Thank you Lord for your amazing favor on this man and this family! We know Heavenly Father than Your timing is impeccable and we are ever so thankful that You are not ready to call Steve home and grant him his ultimate promotion! I can tell you without hesitation or exception that there is not one of us that is ready for him to leave planet earth. Thank you Abba that we are in agreement for now!
    Steve once again you have carried the torch well! Thank you so much for being that graceful, wonderful husband, father, brother and friend. Thank you Sue for being "brave" a trait you so beautifully exhibit. You are role models in every sense of the word. Thank you! Thank you doctors and nurses for doing your jobs so expertly. Thank you to all the angels that protected that operating room. Miracles abound even when we don't realize it! I am blessed and ever so thankful. Your story continues...

  3. Sue,

    Thank you for this latest update; last I heard was when Kathy left the hospital. So relieved to read that Steve was conscious and breathing on his own.

    The intense vulnerability resulting from my invincible brother's evidence of humanity has shaken Tom and me to our cores. As always, Steve bears the burden of paving the way for his siblings..... and in this, he has taught us all the necessity of caring for ourselves. A reckoning, so to speak. And Sue, what Barbara wrote is the truth - you are so brave - even if you are terrified, you soldier on to do what is right and needed.

    All of you remain in our prayers and our thoughts. Thank You, God, for the gift of our brother whom we love so much.

    Tom and Midge
