Thursday, April 21, 2011

One Week Ago.... (continued)

I understand surgery went on for about five to six hours, and then I was in recovery for another five or six hours. I vaguely remember being wheeled into ICU. I had this impression at the time that I and all the other patients were in suspended anti-gravitational Luke Skywalker's car...and in stationary orbit around a central pylon from which ran all the scanners, tubes, IV's and whatever was needed to keep the motley crew alive. Later, Sue told me the ICU was the very same one her father was cared for over fifty years before...the floor plan hadn't changed a bit.. It was obvious I had been mistaken in my first impressions.

Gradually I became more conscious. It seems every fifteen minutes a nurse came up and pricked my finger for a blood glucose test,  or took my temperature, or gave me a pill, or gave me some ice chips, or measured my blood pressure and heart rate. It was always something, but I am not complaining. It was dark....but not dark enough to observe the faces of the nurses. One was particularly beautiful and I think I told her so. They were all young, but then that is not remarkable because I have been around for awhile. All were  brunette...which is OK with me. The girl with the Indian accent had a "hispanic" name.....She was surprised I guessed she came from the West Coast state of Goa...the old Portuguese colony established over 450 years ago.  I collected stamps as a kid.

Thirty-six hours after surgery started I was transferred out of ICU.

(To be Continued)


1 comment:

  1. I am waiting with bated breath for the completion of this part of your story. I find it quite funny that you'd recall one nurse as particularly beautiful, that the nurses were brunette... and so on. At least I haven't cried during this post. I appreciate it.

