Sunday, April 17, 2011

Back at Home....Full Moon Night

It is difficult to connect with my emotions right much has happened since last Tuesday morning when the angiogram was performed....fully expecting a stent or two to be installed. That was not to be.
Everyone knows what evolved over the next few days...but I am at home sitting at my computer writing e-mails to fans and loved ones. I feel as if nothing happened to my body....but the sutures and dressings belie that. I will take it easy and not overdo life. Healing will take many weeks.

It is stunning to know that my heart was at such life was at risk. It is sobering to see a cardiologist knit his brow and suggest one not go home and get into surgery as soon as it could be scheduled.
I walked miles every week, worked out with weights, ate sensibly, built my endurance....and never felt the classic symptoms. I have been given new life...perhaps many more summers if one measures life that way.
The next challenge is the tumor removal.

There will be a Full Moon tonight. It will shine down on all below, sailing across the illuminated sky. Look upon it and think of your loved ones. Let the clear reflection of that moonlight remain in your hearts.


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! No one is surprised that you are blessed, we are all just extremely greatful. I like to think that the "Man in the moon" is really a reflection of God looking down on His creation. Last night He was looking and down with a great big smile! Thank You Lord and the story continues...
