Saturday, April 23, 2011

One Week Ago.... (continued)

Being removed from ICU Friday evening was a good sign that all tests were positive and I was recovering rapidly......I was happy to get out of ICU because Sue was allowed to spend the night in my room on a little side bench that opened slightly to a "bed". The following day-and-a-half consisted of tests, rest, walks, delicious gourmet inspired meals, sleep, visitors, reading about the "Royals", watching Anderson Cooper smugly delivering what passes for news on CNN, adoring Oprah, ad nauseum....all pretty boring except when family came in.

With the above said, I think I have worn out this "One Week Ago" thread.

I thank the innumerable wellwishers,  and prayersayers who cared enough to include me in their thoughts and days. I didn't know so many people cared. We go through our lives tangled in routine and obligation.....or maybe it is responsibility...roles we take on by choice, or by default like some priestly mantle or robe. Sometimes the mantles weigh heavily...other times they are not as heavy. The roles we take on affect others around us, and we rarely know how many "others". Often the "others" have no idea who we are...but we are connected nonetheless.

It is easy to forget that "connectedness" we all share.


1 comment:

  1. I Love You, Steve!!!!

    Jerry and I traveled to Reno early in the morning on the day of your surgery.
    We stopped in Mammoth and had lunch in your "honor" at Angels. It certainly brought back memories of our few days together in Mammoth. We toasted to your good health.

    Frances decided that God was watching over you, for the mere fact that Mammoth was more beautiful than ever! It had just snowed the night before, so the air was cool and crisp. The wind was blowing and the sun reflected brightly off the fresh blankets of snow. The smell of the clean air, reminded us that our souls were happy and blessed to be there, especially thinking of you on that day.

    Love you,
