Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday, April 24

To all,
I know we are all watching for Steve's latest entry but I thought I would add my own thoughts every once in awhile.

Steve, like all good "Catholic boys" is a model patient. Honestly, as Steve approaches most things in life he is purposeful, methodical, accurate and very committed. If the instructions say walk, shower or sleep at a specific time that is exactly what Steve does. He is a doctor's dream!  Make no mistake, though, that the last few weeks have shaken both of us to the core! Because of the challenge ahead,  he is committed to healing as fast as he can and stretching his regimen. So far, no "blue" days which he deserves,  but rather  an optimism about the extended life he has been gifted in receiving. Each day presents simple and uncomplicated objectives that revolve heavily around basic body functions...I leave that to your imaginations. Our favorite is "strolling the estate" which we do often.

We were discussing yesterday how this time to regroup has given him a new and more circumspect view of life and how we live it. This is not meant to be  a "trite" statement but, rather, a reflection that kicks us into action. Steve has already written about how we get locked into our individual "grinds" and that really we are called to live life the best we can. Along the way, we are supposed to grow and mature and redefine ourselves as necessary. Consider this a re-definition!

Looks like our next short horizon is to attend Kevin's graduation in Tucson on May 14th. We will drive out and spend 4 days in Arizona with family and close friends attending. Of course, we see the cardiologist next Friday and we will be optimistic that he sees as much improvement in Steve's healing as we see in front of us his blessing to go.

For today, though, enjoy your Easter blessings and gather all the family around you that you can. Friends count too! Love them and cherish them as the gifts from God that they are.

We are celebrating joyously at our house.

Love to all,


  1. Yes, it was a joyous Easter gathering, as are most Hamrock family gatherings. The one benefit of not having Steve in attendance was the excuse to walk over and visit him, leaving the exuberant crowd behind. My ears were ringing!

    So, our prayers will be directed to include a focused and positive result in Friday's doctor visit. Of course, these are in addition to our general prayers for Steve's recovery; for you, Sue, to maintain your strength and untiring support of our dear brother; and now we add them for a safe excursion to Tucson and Kevin's graduation.

    PS: The cabbage rolls will be arriving in the next day or two.

  2. So many Happy Easter's at the Hamrock house, with beautiful family pictures to take home of the occasion. We ALL looked forward to those Easter egg hunts at your home, and I remember how happy Steve looked when we all arrived!

    We were in Tuscon last Sunday, well really just the outskirts. So close to Kevin and yet so far!!!

    We just got caught up on the blog today as I read all of the pages to Dan in our kitchen. Steve's details about his surgery and his/your feelings about Life really do drive home the importantance of living every day as if. . .

    That being said . . . .we hope to see you soon. Would like to know when the best time to call your home is so that we can talk to Steve and you....

    Love, Linda and Dan

  3. Well it is Monday after Resurrection Sunday, I have decided not to call it Easter. The word "Easter" is not in the bibile so hence not biblical and hence my choice to not say "Easter" in conjunction with Christ Resurrection. Not to diminish what Christ did on the cross for all of mankind, Steve you have been given a resurrection of sorts. Rise and take your new lease on life and use it for His Glory! We all have a mission on this earth and yours is not ended so to that end seek His face to know His will for your "new" life! Again I am ever so thankful for your presence in the Rovzar family's lives. Each one of us has been touched by you and we all look to you for your special point of view and perspective on life in general. You are always so good at thinking things through. Interesting but so is your wife. Usually that doesn't work so well in a relationship but it is wonderful to see that Nurse Ratchett is actually a very affectionate and compassionate woman. The two of you are wonderful role models for all to see and I say well done. I totally expect to see you in two weeks in Tucson. Is there really any option? Seriously! God speed for a continual recovery.
    Love you to pieces!
