Sunday, April 17, 2011


Well....this is the day I go home. The nurses are complaining and they want me to leave them alone.
Actually, these girls are all Angels...with a capital A.

There is some apprehension  on my part about coming home...but it is the next step. There are a lot of very sick dudes up here and they are not recovering like I am.

I'll write a bit more when I get home later today.

Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers. There are very special people in my life...I could not ask for more.


1 comment:

  1. Steve, we can't wait to see you. We've laid low to give you room for rest and recovery. Tom and I will be over a bit later to bring the roasted chickens and carrots. Oh, and the required Catholic jello will make its appearance, too.

    I love you,

    Midge (and Tom and boys)
