Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Life Unfolds and a Path is Created....

Dear All,

I recognize that the life and relevance of a blog depends on the loving care of the "blogger". I feel too many days have passed since my last entry and the last thing I want is to have this literary effort wither away for lack of interest. Frankly, this healing business demands an inordinate amount of self-focus and a concerted effort to keep one's chin up. The horizon of daily life is not distant at all. It is the next 30 minutes. It is planning and taking a walk around the "estate", or taking a nap, or doing breathing exercises, or worrying about water retention. So sitting down and putting my thoughts on this blog is often put back in priority with the good intention of getting to it "later".

I don't remember when I have had this many consecutive hours uninterrupted by other's needs and demands. As a consequence I have had some chance to address the direction of my life. I have no dramatic pronouncements. But a good friend described how life is not predictable and as one's life unfolds and a familiar pathway is closed off or deadends another path is opened or created and our life proceeds in response to new opportunities.


1 comment:

  1. Hello young man! Okay this is a term of affection and it has nothing to do with age in terms of years. It is the spirit of the soul and heart! I love to read the blog and realized today I hadn't seen the last few (sorry about that) I hate it when life happens and it interrupts your good intentions! When Tovar was holding your heart there were many of us holding our breaths. I exhale now pretty sure you will be around for a good while longer. It may be humbling to start to count the days events by drooling or the lack thereof or the steps you take, I am just thankful you have all your body parts and they are functioning. I am thankful that you can measure your success by the steps you have taken. I am glad that we will share many more holidays and events and just enjoy the company of family and friends. Thank you Steve for paving the way for any of us that might find ourselves in the same boat. At least you will be able to show us how to bail! Look forward to seeing you in 2 weeks.
    xoxo barb
