Friday, April 8, 2011

April 8, 2011

All the reports are coming back with positive news about containment, as in no spread to other organs. There is some suspicion that this tumor, there are actually 2 small ones in the same area, have some relationship to an intestinal bleed Steve experienced 10 years ago and is still unexplained. If there is any relevance to the thought that cancer is caused by infection, this situation could factor in as evidence. We are ready to go but now have to wait until an angiogram scheduled for Tuesday. This will produce a release for surgery or some type of shunt to handle a blockage. No surgeon would touch a patienct without it. This is considered elective surgery! We will report the status after the procedure at Presbyterian. Best case, there is no blockage and no need for a shunt and surgery next week, second best is a less invasive shunt with no anticoagulants needed and surgery in two to three weeks, last choice is a shunt for a more serious blockage requiring up to six months of anticoagulant and a delayed surgery until September. Keep you all posted. Please keep praying!
Love to all,

1 comment:

  1. Steve and Sue:

    Thank you for this latest update. We can only imagine how exhausted you are, how thinking tires you even more. Please know that you remain in our constant prayers.

    Midge and Tom
