Saturday, May 28, 2011

Post Op Reflections

Bringing everyone up to date!

Tumor contained, no visible spread to any other  tissues, Steve tolerated the surgery very well despite triple by-pass 6 weeks ago and we are looking at discharge Sunday. The staff here is impressed with  Steve's story but ,then,  in their business they often hear of "amazing stories". No word yet on the pathology regarding the tissues removed but we do know that the primary tumor was a carcinoid and that it was malignant because they biopsied it during surgery. With the tissue removed, however, and no spread this becomes a case where there will be screenings but no chemotherapy. We will not know for sure until the final pathology comes back next week, but everyone involved with case is encouraged. Carcinoids are weird and rare and  very slow growing and  do not respond to  chemo which  is used for fast multiplying cells. It seems if you are going to "get a cancer" this is the type to have. As if anyone would intentionally pick one....

As I share this experience with all of you, I am struck by how time "stands still" when you are removed from your normal schedule and routines, especially in a crisis. This is the start of Day 5! I can hardly believe it! And yet, everything has a different light to it now that prayers have been answered and the prognosis is positive.

Words fail in trying to describe all the levels of discovery and love and grace and community that these days have created. Know this. Prayer works; lots and lots of prayers from all over the neighborhood, city, country and world. Never be afraid to ask everyone you know to pray; and pray hard. God listens. At the very least you become aware that you are never, ever alone! You gain strength and hope and peace from all the support.
Peace and love,

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