Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Four Weeks and the "Next Ridge"

The 12th marks the fourth week since the heart bypass surgery. I am feeling quite well....I even went to the office for about four hours this afternoon (the 11th) to help with a complicated quote. I "dressed up" in nice clothes so I would not look like some invalid. Everyone said I looked better than last Friday and I would have to agree. That endoscopy kicked me in the pun intended...because of the anesthetic. I was out for about three hours and it took me about two hours to come out of it. In retrospect, I was roadkill again, and didn't really regain my senses until this last weekend.

I have lost most of the water weight retained after the heart surgery....about fifteeen pounds...and am now weighing in at 208 pounds. My goal is 200 pounds.

I once read the personal account of a mountain climber who spent days climbing a difficult mountain...maybe Everest. In the rarefied air he became disoriented as to what stage of the climb he was on. He struggled up a steep face thinking he was approaching the top of the mountain. When he finally clambered to the top of that steep face, he was taken aback to see another steeper ridge looming above in the swirling snow and sunlight.

I think I know how he felt. When I begin to feel a bit smug about my recovery from the bypass surgery, I realize that in several weeks I will submit myself to another Doctor to remove the tumor. I will have another multi-week recovery period....perhaps I will  be up and about and fully recovered by mid-July. Who knows.

In the meantime I walk the estate, tend to my body....I don't need a nurse in the shower any longer....and heal.

Apparently there are hundreds of people praying for me and that is comforting

We are driving to Tucson Thursday morning to attend Kevin's graduation ceremony on Saturday. Thank God his section will be housed in an airconditioned hall. We should have fun.


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