Saturday, May 21, 2011

Gazing Upward....Left Behind

I awoke this morning to find myself still in bed. I confess I wasn't really surprised. I could hear Sue in the kitchen and the wonderful smell of fresh-brewed coffee wafted into the she was still in the house. A little later I checked the "cottage"...our separate little guestroom in the yard...and saw that Kevin was apparently still asleep. I knew he was in the cottage because he had left his Van's on the front steps for some reason. If he had left, I am sure he would have slipped them on before departing. I'll have to warn him about the coyotes that use the yard as access to the neighborhood cats and feed bowls. Coyotes are not averse to picking up the decomposing carcass of some dead animal as a snack. Kevin's shoes might be mistaken for such. That reminds me of the "gagging coyote", but that is a different  story.

I ventured out to the front drive, with some trepidation, to see if all appeared normal in the neighborhood. I am not sure what "normal" is, but all seemed as usual. On the other hand, nothing ever happens out there anyway, so how could one tell if all the neighbors were still in their homes.

I did gaze upward and saw nothing amiss....just gray overcast and a few jets heading West to LAX. They weren't in a power-dive, so the pilots must have been at the controls. I could hear the traffic on Colima, a sure indication that others were up and tending to chores and weekend business. No sounds of screeching tires and crunching metal rended the morning calm....however, that is all too common as motorists descend
from the heights and enter "Dead-Man's Curve".....but it was comforting to note that not a single collision was heard while I was standing out there looking for evidence of the "Rapture". Everything seemed in its place.

So when was this event supposed to happen? I found out that the initial rising to the heavens was supposed to start in New Zealand and then roll west across the globe like some great atmospheric tsunami. One believer felt that the West Coast of California would be "hit" around 6:00 p.m. PDT. That is a little over eight hours from this writing. There is time to take a shower and shave and select a wardrobe. I think I will dress up and splash some cologne on my neck...not much, just enough to attract women and get that seductive
glance that all men hope for. I don't know whether to plan something for the evening or sit and watch Anderson Cooper earnestly grill his panel of "experts" with his typical leading questions and inane speculations. What a goof! (Sorry if I offend someone). I am sure CNN will have camera crews stationed
in all the Christian nations with the directive to be on the lookout for "floaters". Maybe Anderson will arrange for some giant fan to blow gale force winds so he can lean "against the wind" as he brings us updates with that serious countenance of his. I would like to be the stagehand that throws debris into the airstream.....special effects, you maybe sand or broken glass or small pieces of 2x4's...studded with nails for good effect.

Will I and my loved ones be left behind, gazing upwards as "floaters" ascend into the sky? I have a surgery appointment this Tuesday and I don't want to miss I find myself in a real dilemma. On the other hand, it may be presumptuous on my part to even think I may be worthy of ascension. The "left behind" are to suffer the "end time" miseries as the world descends into chaos and if it isn't bad enough right now. So maybe it is my fate to be clumped together with all the "bad" Christians, the Jews, the Muslims, and whatever other flavors of faith exists on the face of the earth.

In all the representations of the "Rapture" one sees "floaters" rising to the heavens dressed in everyday clothes.......or sometimes "toga-like" coverings. I certainly hope that modesty is taken into consideration as it will be possible for the "left-behind" to gaze "upskirt" for the first fifty feet of ascension.

We'll see who has the last laugh today.


1 comment:

  1. Well, Steve:

    All I can ask for is that if I go, my Rapture wardrobe consists of the finest Egyptian cotton and not some dismal polyester blend. Those blends give me a rash.

