Friday, May 6, 2011

The Factory.....

Sue drove me to the "Factory" this morning. It was good to see all the familiar faces after almost four weeks away from a place I have spent the last thirty-five years of my life. That is a long time.......The visit was good for my spirit. I went away somewhat tired from all the visiting and consulting, but it was worth it. The company has an excellent crew of talented and dedicated men and women.

I was able to compare experiences with a fellow by-pass surgery veteran and was surprised we had the same surgeon....Tovar. I was pleased to see how minimal John's incision scar was, knowing mine would look similar. We are members of an exclusive club.

I want to encourage the awareness that we are all part of a community of people....somehow fated to be working together under one roof...interacting for the common good. I think this is the most important thing to which I can devote my energies upon my return. This is the path that I see opening up for me.


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