Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Zipper Club

Apparently, I have become a member of a "club" that I had no intention of fact, I don't believe I  knew it existed. The initiation is grueling and the "new member" fee is break-the-bank high. I am safe in claiming that not one member wanted into the club. However, they are all around me and you. I think most button their shirts as high as they can and they rarely talk about the club to others, unless they discover another club member; then they feel an instant bond with that "brother". The club does not discriminate. All races and sexes are welcome. There are far more males in the membership, outnumbering the females significantly. The average age of the clubmember skews to the higher side....let's just say most have been around for quite awhile.

The "Zipper Club" members share one thing in common.....a long pink vertical scar down the center of their chests. Some are secretive about the "hallmark", others will open their shirt boldly to show anybody, interested or not. I learned I was a member of the club in Cardio-Rehab from another member...indeed everyone in there was a member...except the staff. We had a laugh about the irony of our chance meeting. I felt a bond with the man...let's call it a very human moment. Not wanting to seem boastful, I chose not to tell him I was a member of another club. These "club" entrance requirements are a form of hell-on-earth, so two clubs are enough for me. What good is a club if the members would rather not be such? There is no fun to be had.

As I go about my day, wherever I am, I see prospective members-to-be. They are everywhere. The funny thing is they don't know they are making themselves candidates for the clubs.

I'll let you figure out who those future members might be. They take life and health for granted.


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