Thursday, August 11, 2011

Garden Gates

Why Do You Weep...
What Are These Tears Upon Your Face...

I saw these words carved in a stone lintel over a garden gate while on a walk in Carmel one morning. They caught me and I stopped dead in my tracks. I could not walk away without committing the lines to memory. I fumbled around for a scrap of paper and a pen and wrote them down. They have haunted me since that morning over a week ago.

What do they mean.....are they something said to comfort a child, a lover, a grieving parent, an old friend, or even oneself?

I subsequently found the source of the lines. They appear in an Elven poem written for the Lord of the Rings by Tolkien. They are beautiful in their mystery and tenderness.

The garden graced by these stone carved lines was a special place. Gardens are therapeutic and bring peace of mind, I think. A garden is a refuge.

That is why those words were carved into stone....


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