Sunday, August 14, 2011

Another "Full Moon"...

Saturday night marked another Full Moon cycle since I started this blog. I think it is the fifth full moon that has risen in the eastern sky to mark the passage of time in this journey. I have found that the memories of the last six months are so scrambled that it takes a real effort to sort them out within a timeline. I often find myself using my fingers to mark the weeks since one procedure or another. I am sure of three dates...just as I am sure of my birthday: April 12th, April 14th and May 24th. The dates stand for, respectively, the angiogram procedure, the bypass surgery, and the cancer surgery. Everything else falls somewhere before, in-between, or afterward....logically enough. The other day, upon not remembering involvement in some project at work, I joked that the lapse in memory must be a result of the anesthesia. The retort was "How long are you going to run with that excuse?" I replied..."Oh, maybe another few years." General laughter rang out....but I really wasn't involved in the project and should have had no memory of it. Actually, I am still pretty sharp.

I sent Dr. Amersi an e-mail this morning. I told her that "fate can abruptly bring people and events into our lives. It brought you." I thanked her for her kind caring and the level of expertise she brought into our lives. She responded within three hours . That is the kind of person she is.



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