Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Do you believe in angels?

I am not quite sure what triggered the thought of angels. But I sat back and the idea of angels and peace of mind came to me. I don't mean the hovering, smiling winged angels of our Christmas cards or manger scenes. I mean invisible forces, or voices in the mind, or perhaps a stranger who affects us in some significant way...a stranger never to be seen again...leaving you wondering who it was and why were you so touched. Perhaps we have all had such an experience, or know another who has revealed an experience. I say "revealed" because what I am talking about happens on a very personal level, and not all are willing to talk about it.
When it happens, you know it. It may not be explainable....or it may be very explainable logically or circumstantially...but there is a feeling that logic is not enough, like an aftertaste of something flavorful or sweet. I think it is spiritual.

As a young boy I was told that my maternal Grandmother, while laying alone in her bed grieving the sudden death of my Grandfather, was filled with the awareness that a presence was in her darkened bedroom. A voice broke the silence and soothingly told her that Matt was alright and happy. A peace settled over her.

My father went through a traumatic experience when his business partner and he went through a very bitter and personal fight about the future of the enterprise. Dad was aging physically and his soul was withering from the anxiety and stress. My mother was supportive, but she knew that she could not make the
decision. Both felt locked in to a specific course of action that had been defined by a proposed agreement crafted by lawyers. To go forward with that decision would entail uncertainty and risk and a continued burden of responsibility. One night as my mother lay in bed beside my father praying for guidance, she heard a voice plainly tell her what they should do. It was the opposite of what everyone had expected he would do, and it was the wisest advice they had received.

And then there was the little grayhaired lady dressed in black. She had been assigned a seat next to me on a flight back to the east coast. She wore a small black hat over hair tied back in a bun, and a long black dress that fell just below her knees.  Her shoes were black and practical. It was like she was from another era. I didn't pay much attention to her at first. I was preoccupied with business worries and the objectives of the trip to a our new customer. We had been in business for only five years or so and I would often lay awake long into the night or wake up very early and worry about deliveries and cash flow. Anyway, we struck up a casual conversation, though I really did not want to chat. In time we were discussing the business, my worries, what I wanted to do, what she wanted to do, and any number of topics. Her observations and comments were wise. I don't remember her words, but we discussed life and what was important in life. What I remember is that a pervading sense of peace swept through me. And from that time forward I have
found it easier to face the ups and downs of existence with a sense of equanimity.

Upon landing she left the plane, little black suitcase in hand. I looked for her in the terminal (she couldn't have been more than thirty or forty feet ahead of me) but she had vanished. I wanted to thank her......

I think she was some kind of angel. She was a very special one, too.


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