Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Full Moon Tonight

I stepped out tonite to enjoy the cool evening air. Dancing with the Stars was dragging a bit, though I do like Julianne Hough A LOT. She is so cute. She had a guest spot on the show.

Anyway, I noted that a full moon was in the sky and that the leaves of the Liquid Amber trees were reflecting the silvery light almost as if mirrors had been hung among the branches. I believe this is the seventh full moon of the Journal.....and it marks the sixth month since I stepped into the gauntlet. However, I am not quite sure when I emerged from that gauntlet....perhaps two months ago? One gradually realizes that the body is capable of performing some activity that was difficult just several weeks ago, and maybe impossible two months ago. I still have a compromised set of chest muscles as well as a puffy stomach from the abdominal surgery. However, I think I am physically stronger than before the surgeries..

The Moon has waxed and waned as it always has. It is magical, I think. The illumination casts shadows in the night.

Don't take any of that beauty and mystery for granted,


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