Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Another Milestone Passed

My last session in Cardio-Rehab was this last Monday. I gave my farewells to the Re-Hab crew with eyes a little misty from the emotional realization that some milestone had been reached and that I must go forward with the exercise program on my own.

I left a note of thanks with a box of See's Candy to be shared by the crew. By the look on their faces I could see they were happy. Maybe I should have given something  more "heart-healthy" -- like a box of unsalted nuts. But I think a little sin doesn't hurt..

I will continue to exercise every day; I have found a conditioning room in a re-hab business within a mile of the house. I have vowed to never let my body get to the condition it was in prior to my surgeries.

I must go now......I will not abandon the blog. I know my entries have diminished in number, but I will post more often.

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