Tuesday, August 14, 2012

"Raglan Road......."

"On a quiet street where old ghosts meet,
 I see her walking now
 Away from me so hurriedly, my reason must allow
 That I had wooed not as I should a creature made of clay.
 When the angel woos the clay, he'll lose his wings at the dawn of the day."

These are the closing lines of an Irish poem set to song. It has haunted me from the first time I heard it sung by Luke Kelly. Others have tried, but he has captured the essence of the heartbreak contained in the words. He sings the song almost as a dirge, in a strong, direct and almost harshly masculine voice.

"I saw the danger, yet I walked
 Along the enchanted way.
 And I said let grief be a falling leaf
 At the dawning of the day."

"Well I loved too much; by such and such
 Is happiness thrown away."

You Tube has a video of this song performed by Luke Kelly.

The poem was written by Patrick Kavanaugh, noted Irish poet. There is a video of  Patrick reading
"Raglan Road" on YouTube. The personal story behind the poem is touching.


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