Sunday, July 9, 2017

In Over his Head

Trump, for all of his bluster and bullshit, is a very insecure guy. Play acting as President, signing executive orders that are meaningless, whipping up a frenzy in his mob-like supporters, does not a leader make.

To the degree I can observe him mixing it up with other world leaders, it is evident that he is uncomfortable in the company of leaders and heads of state. He is ill at ease with intelligent people.
This is because he knows he is a fraud, and he is fearful he will be found out, not knowing, of course, that he gives off the smell of insecurity to those who know he is an empty suit.

An Australian journalist commented that Trump was an "uneasy, lonely, awkward figure" at the G-20 meeting just held. He also said that Trump "has no desire and no capacity to lead the world."

He is in over his head and is treading water. His arrogant bravado doesn't cut it with real leaders. They know what he is.

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