Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Some Thoughts

There are innumerable personal blogs on the internet. This blog-site alone must have tens of thousands. I have visited many and found that they have been apparently abandoned like so many storage units full of personal effects forgotten or useless to on-going life. Some are serious, some are frivolous, some were started to celebrate a life's experience like the birth of a child....but they are all personal and reveal something of the blogger.

Having the opportunity to view my Journal as a published work allowed me to grasp the fullness of the experiences of the last nine months. I am happy that I recorded my thoughts in this Journal. The past recedes quickly in the memory and becomes a shadow of the reality of those experiences that fill our lives. Writing a journal preserves the thoughts about and the impressions of the experiences of a life. Writing can be a way to heal our hurts and can lead to a path of growth. The very act of putting our thoughts in words demands introspection and clearer thinking than we may be used to.

We all have a story...and in the telling we can find ourselves.

I have resolved not to abandon this Journal. I am still coming to terms with my cancer and heart issues. I wonder if that state of understanding will ever be. And "What's Next" is a process of self-realization. There is no end to that process. It is continous growth till death.


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