Monday, March 4, 2013

On The Road Again

Unbearable pressure has been brought to bear upon yours truly to revive...resuscitate may be a better word...the "blog". I likened the effort involved to that required in starting an old car; long stored in the back reaches of a barn, tires flat and the battery dead. The needed spark was the aforementioned urging. A bit of huffing and puffing and a backfire or two and the old girl should run smoothly. One merely needs to keep the engine fueled with gas.

The last entry was over five months ago...September, 2012, to be exact. I knew it had been quite awhile since I last wrote...leaving readers stuck in the Sierras somewhere in the environs of Yosemite. But it did surprise me that so much time had passed.

Of late the need to write has been nagging me. So the first thing to address is my health; the reason I started the blog in the first place. It struck me in just the last few days that two years ago this March I was learning that I had a carcinoid tumor. By early April I found that my heart was in bad shape as a result of a pre-surgery cardiac checkup. A subsequent Angiogram led to triple by-pass surgery, and five weeks later, having barely recovered from the heart surgery, I underwent the abdominal operatuion to remove the tumor and a 24" section of my intestinal track. Subsequently,  I underwent surgery to repair a cluster of abdominal July of 2012......

I am not bragging.

A round of scans and tests administered in January was designed to detect the return of any cancer activity. The results revealed cancer, anywhere. I did not expect to hear that the evil presence had taken hold of my body, but it was a blessed relief that all was OK . I will undergo the same tests in August...and every six months subsequently.

I consider myself very fortunate.........

That's all for now......I will write again.